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Daily Devotionals • 2 Corinthians 3:5

Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.  - 2 Corinthians 3:5

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Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

- 2 Corinthians 3:5

Ever feel so overwhelmed with the tasks of everyday life?

There’s work to be done, meetings to attend, a long list of chores to do, schoolwork to catch up on, kids to feed, and the list goes on…

So often we try to place the burden of these things all on our own shoulders. We feel as though we have no choice but to keep up with all of our tasks in our own human strength.

Thankfully, we don’t have to! The Lord is able. He is where our strength comes from, and guess what? He doesn’t expect you to keep up and accomplish everything you need to accomplish in your own strength alone.

Why? Because He purposely designed you to walk closely with Him in this life. He designed you to need Him. He created you to rely on Him as your strength. This is why we tend to get so burnt out when we try to accomplish everything all by ourselves.

Be encouraged today to know that God is strong in your weakness.

What are some of your weak areas? Take some time to sit with the Lord today and allow Him entrance into those areas. When you do this, He has the opportunity to show His strength in those areas. Whenever you find yourself flustered and burnt out, take a moment to pause, breathe, and ask the Lord to guide you in that task. Invite the Holy Spirit into your workspace and be willing to yield to His direction. The more we practice this, the less daunting our to-do lists become.

What tasks seem to be never ending or impossible today?

Know that God is here right now with you. Let Him take over where you feel weak, and you will experience His supernatural strength in those areas. He is able!

Prayer: Lord, help me to never fall into the stupor of self-sufficiency. Only you are my power source. Only by your side, am I enabled to do the things you’ve called me to do. I thank you for helping me with every task today, as you are more than able!  

With Love,
Sarah Sherstad

About Sarah Sherstad

1 comment



Sometimes I want to be Wonder Woman but my human strength can only do so much.

Thank you for reminding me who is in charge of my life and who gives me strength throughout my daily tasks.

Sometimes I want to be Wonder Woman but my human strength can only do so much.

Thank you for reminding me who is in charge of my life and who gives me strength throughout my daily tasks.

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